Saturday, May 23, 2015

Almost Summer Break

Hello, Hello, Hello 

School is almost out! Again! 

I finished up the winter semester at the end of April however I only had a two day break because then I started school again. I decided to take a summer course,it was only a month or so long and all my friends are still in school until the end of May so I figured why not. 

I now only have two weeks left and am currently starting to study for my final, as well as trying to find a job, trying to make plans with a bunch of my friends that are leaving at the end of the summer for University, and planning out blog posts. Lets just say I am a LITTLE stressed. But no worries I planned out my posts today and school will be over soon enough. 

Starting June 1st I have planned to post twice a week. Monday and Friday. Monday can be any type of post but Friday will be ... DIY's!!! I am really excited and there might even be a possibility that I include videos for my DIY's but... I am not one hundred percent sure yet. This is my plan for posting this summer however slight changes may occur, because let's be real sometimes life happens and nothing you just have to deal with it however, with that being said I am going to do as much as possible to stick to Monday, Friday posting. 

Even though I have planned most of my posts, let me know if these is anything you guys would like to see.

K. xox

Sunday, May 3, 2015

DIY - Friendship Bracelets

Hey guys today I am going to explain how I made these two bracelets. 

You will need: 
- Scissors
- Tape
- Embroidery thread
- Pliers
- Chain/Link Bracelet
- Clasp (If your chain did not already have one)
- Clear nail polish (optional)

If you have chains that already have a clasp on them, you are one step ahead, skip to the next paragraph, if not this is what you need to do. Take the end of the chain and using pliers, open up the last link, slip the clasp onto the chain, then close the link back up using the pliers again. Make sure the clasp can clip on to the links of the chain, if the chain is to big, you may have to find another link that is smaller to attach to the other end.

 Choose 3 colours of embroidery thread, make the stands a little bit longer than what would go around your wrist. Then know them all together and make a knot at the top. Tape it to a table, or any hard surface and then braid it. Braid as much as you can then tie a knot. 

Once this has been done, remove the tape. Take the braid an weave it in and out of the chain, for the one I am showing you in these pictures I went through every other link, however the blue, white and yellow one in the very first picture is through every link. You can choose to do it which ever way you would like.   

Continue this until the end of the chain. 

Once complete undo one of the knots in the braid and pull one of the colours back though the last link to the other side of the chain. 


Then tie a know around the link with all the pieces, I usually tie three knots, just to make sure it will stay. . 

Repeat this at the other end as well.
Also if you want even more security that the knots will not come undone, then take some clear nail polish and apply it to the knots. 

There you have it, a new, not so typical friendship bracelet. 

If you make these bracelets, tweet or tag me in a photo, I would love to see them. 

K. xox