Tuesday, April 15, 2014

5 Random Questions

Hey Guys,
For todays post I decided to chose 5 random questions to answer so you could get to know me a little better.
1. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I take a long time to get ready in the morning, if I have showered the night before it will probably take me about an hour if I have to shower that morning probably an hour and a half. I like to take my time and not be rushed.
2. Heels or Flats?
I am definitely a heels girl, flats are more practical in my everyday life right now however I am only 5'1 so any chance to be taller I will take it.
3. What is your eye colour?
My eyes are green but they can change to look blue or even gray sometimes depending on what I am wearing.
4. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
I do not have any tattoos, and the only piercings I have are 1 hole on each ear lobe. I would like to get a second hole but I have been saying I was going to get it for so long now and I still haven't.
5. What are you currently wearing?
Currently as I am writing this post I am wearing pyjama pants and a sweater.
K xox 

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