Monday, September 22, 2014

Manicure Monday - Pink Nails

Today I painted my nails a magenta...ish pink colour.
The nail polish I used was Wet n Wild, Wild Shine #420B its called Lavender Pearlescent, however the name is quite misleading because it is not lavender coloured it is very pink.
I was not very impressed with this nail polish, I painted my nails this afternoon and to start with I took about 3 coats to get a decent shade where you could no longer see the colour of my nails, and another thing is I already have multiple chips so clearly this manicure is not going to last very long.
I know this nail polish is not very expensive and therefore I shouldn't expect it to be very good quality however it was still a bit of a disappointment.
I do not recommend it, if you want it to last more than a couple days at most.
K. xox

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

DIY- Recycled Necklace

Recycled Necklace
I found this old necklace a few weeks ago when I was cleaning my room before I started school.
I never wear it but I figured it could make a few cool bracelets. This week I decided to separate the "pearls" from the chain and make a bracelet with them. The chain part will be used in a future DIY, but today I just wanted to show you that how I separated the "pearls" from the chain and then made it a bracelet.
What you need:
- A necklace
- Clasps
- Pliers
This DIY is very simple all you have to do is separate two of the links in the necklace, one on each side of the "pearls" then once the pieces are separated from the necklace then use the pliers to attach a clasp at one end so that you can attach the bracelet to your wrist.

K. xox

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Manicure Monday - Step Towards Fall

Step Towards Fall

This is my manicure of the week. The picture above makes the nail polish look very orange however it is more of a bright red with a hint of orange in it.
I painted all my nails with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in the colour Sonic Bloom then I decided to make it a bit more interesting so I made three stripes on my ring finger, for this I used L.A. Colors Art Deco in white.
K. xox

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fashion Friday- Lazy Rainy Day

Lazy Rainy Day
This was what I wore today, it was cold and rainy out, and I did not have too much I had to do.
My sweater and pants are both from Aeropostale.
K. xox
New post coming Monday... stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

DIY - Threaded Earphones

Threaded Earphones

I am back with another DIY for you today. This weeks DIY is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time. It is ...... threaded earphones!!!!!...... but you already knew that from the title....

I get bored of plain earphones very quickly so this gives them a fun colourful makeover. This is also a way of prevent them from getting extremely tangled, with knots that take time and effort to undo.

What you need for this DIY:

- A pair of earphones (I use Apple earphones)
- Embroidery thread (The colours and the amount is up to you)
- Tape
- Scissors
- Ruler

First choose the colours you want to use and then decide what kind of pattern you would like. For the bottom part I chose 3 colours and wanted them to be even so I made each section approximately 6cm and repeated it until I got to the end. However you can also just wing it or even make the sections random lengths, which is what I will probably do if I make another pair.

Once you have decided your pattern take the earphones and the string and tie a knot with the string around the earphones at the bottom. Then secure it to a stable/hard surface with tape.

Then follow the diagram below: the black line represents the earphones, the pink and teal is the thread that is not being used and the blue is the starting colour. Take the colour you are going to start with and separate it from the earphones and the other thread. Then make a triangle to your left with the thread going over the others towards the right and tuck it back under the earphones and other thread and through the triangle made on the left, and pull it tight to make a knot. Repeat this many many times. Also when you and to switch the thread colour just swap two of the threads spots and continue.
Once you have gotten to the end of the earphones tie a knot like you did and the beginning to secure it and cut the extra string. Tip: put a little bit of white glue or clear nail polish on the knots to make sure they stay really well.

Have fun!
K. xox
Follow me at
 for updates and to know when I have new DIY's, manicure's, outfit's and other types of posts for you.

Monday, September 8, 2014

University So Far


As those of you have read my blog before and have read my post from last Wednesday about my first day of school you know that last week I started University, for those of you who didn't read it well I guess you know now.
Today I just want to write and share how it is going since the last post was only after my first day and I have now been to all of my classes (well except one that I am still waiting to try and get into).
University is much different than high school and just a bigger scale of college from where I am from. Going into University I knew that I was somewhat prepared because I had that step in between high school and University. College was the same style as University in the sense of you schedule and the classes you take, I only have 15 hours of actual class time every week however compared to high school there is much more work because you spend less time actually in class and you cover much much more material.
The biggest difference from College to University that I have noticed so far but have not actually experienced yet because it is only the beginning of the first week is the grades and the work that is to be done. The majority of my classes grades consist of two things; a midterm and a final. Some of my classes have assignments however very few and they are not worth very much compared to what the exams are worth. This makes me extremely nervous because what happens if you just happen to have a bad day and don't do so well on a test ... well there goes about fifty percent of my grade....
I do believe that I am going to really enjoy University because I am studying what I want and I can take the classes I enjoy however I do believe it is going to take some adjusting.  
If you have any questions or comments leave them below of tweet me @dreams_inspire

K. xox

Friday, September 5, 2014

Fashion Friday - Summer Colours

Summer Colours
It's September and the weather is still very hot where I live. This is what I wore yesterday.
The shirt is from Sirens, the shorts are plain dark jean shorts from Wal-Mart ($10), and my pink sports bra is from Target.
The tank top has slightly larger arm holes than I like therefore I wear the shirt with a sports bra so the sides are not as open and I am more comfortable.
K. xox

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of University

First Day of University
Yesterday was my first day of University. Nervous, anxious, excited etc. are words that usually
describe people starting at a new school especially University. Surprisingly, I felt none of these. I was not particularly excited to start because starting school means the end of summer and the start of tons of work, midterms and finals (ahhhh!!!) i.e.: nothing to be excited about.
 I was not nervous either despite the fact that I didn't really know anybody in the same program as me or even at the same school, because I went the weekend before and found where all my classes were therefore I would not get super lost and then be anxious and possibly miss my class.
My class sizes did not surprise me at all even though they are much much much bigger than I was used to and I am also pretty sure that the classes will lose a few people in the next couple weeks.
If you have any questions for me feel free to comment or tweet me at
K. xox

Monday, September 1, 2014

Manicure Monday - Pretty Purples

Pretty Purples
This is how I painted my nails this week, I wanted to keep it sort of simple.
The light purple colour is NYC #265 Nolita's Lavender and the darker purple is NYC # 247 Prince Street.
I really like the New York Color Minute Quick Dry, only one or two coats are need and they do actually dry quite quickly.  
K. xox