Monday, September 8, 2014

University So Far


As those of you have read my blog before and have read my post from last Wednesday about my first day of school you know that last week I started University, for those of you who didn't read it well I guess you know now.
Today I just want to write and share how it is going since the last post was only after my first day and I have now been to all of my classes (well except one that I am still waiting to try and get into).
University is much different than high school and just a bigger scale of college from where I am from. Going into University I knew that I was somewhat prepared because I had that step in between high school and University. College was the same style as University in the sense of you schedule and the classes you take, I only have 15 hours of actual class time every week however compared to high school there is much more work because you spend less time actually in class and you cover much much more material.
The biggest difference from College to University that I have noticed so far but have not actually experienced yet because it is only the beginning of the first week is the grades and the work that is to be done. The majority of my classes grades consist of two things; a midterm and a final. Some of my classes have assignments however very few and they are not worth very much compared to what the exams are worth. This makes me extremely nervous because what happens if you just happen to have a bad day and don't do so well on a test ... well there goes about fifty percent of my grade....
I do believe that I am going to really enjoy University because I am studying what I want and I can take the classes I enjoy however I do believe it is going to take some adjusting.  
If you have any questions or comments leave them below of tweet me @dreams_inspire

K. xox

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