Friday, January 30, 2015

DIY- Calendar

This a DIY I wanted to make to help me stay on track with my goals this year, considering I have already started slacking and am trying to get my self back on track. 

I know this DIY has been seen and done many times before and I am in no way saying that this was my idea, but I figured since I was making it anyways I may as well show you how I did it. 

 What I used:
- Picture frame (Dollar Store - $3)
- Paint chips of various colours
- White paper/card stock
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Glue or Tape
- Pencil
- Paper cutter
- Dry Erase Marker

First I disassembled the picture frame and took out the paper with the "fake pictures" on it. I still used this paper as the background however I took two pieces of white card stock (you can also use printer paper) and cut it so it would cover the photos using the paper cutter so that it made a straight cut and because it is much easier and faster.  

Then I took the two pieces of card stock that I cut and taped it to the original picture paper. I was originally going to glue it but I decided using tape was faster and easier and since it is going to be in the frame I figured it did not matter that much if the corners were not stuck down well etc. 

Once that was done I took all seven paint chip stripes that I had, one for each day of the week and measured them to cut. PS. I know the picture only has six colours but I also had a pink one. The width that I cut them was 4cm each. I cut of the side that had the writing with the name of the colour and that information off. I chose all different colours and decided to put them in rainbow order with pink at the end however you can make it any way you want, a different colour order, all the same colour etc. 

I then measured out where each one would be placed and make it in pencil so that it was easier to place them when I taped them and it would be faster and more efficient. 

I then secured them with scotch tape, I was also going to glue them but changed to tape for this step as well. I also placed them so the lightest colour was at the top but that was a personal preference as well and you could also do the opposite. 

Once I had taped them all to the paper/card stock I put it in the fame, did the frame back up and then took my dry erase marker and wrote the month and the days and numbers. 

K. xox 

Send me pictures if you make it too

Monday, January 26, 2015

My 20th Birthday

Hey guys I know I know I keep coming back and then disappearing but hopefully I will be back for good this time. I already have a post ready for Friday and on planned and in progress for Monday. However if you would like to keep up with when I post follow me on, you can also tweet me an d even give me suggestions on what kind of posts you would like me to do. 

My 20th birthday was last Wednesday and even though I did not really celebrate or go out or really do anything I had lots of fun with my family. 

This birthday however was different for me because I am no longer a teenager, even though I obviously still feel the same. When I think about my age it just makes me think of how time goes by so fast and how there are so many things in life that I want to do.

Therefore I putting myself into gear to blog way more even when I am stressed with school and am super busy and don't really have much time I want to put up a blog anyways even if it i just me randomly talking or answer questions about things people ask me etc. 

My next post will be a DIY to help me get more organized and help me keep on track blogging. 

K. xox

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

New Year = Time for change and for new resolutions or that is what many people think. 

Every year I make new resolutions, knowing that I will probably forget about them or just give up and not accomplish them. I know it is kind of cliché to say that this year will be different and that this year will be the year I stick to them and actually accomplish them. I say that every year, so why will this year be any different? 

Many people also say that you do not need a new year to change and if you really wanted to change you would make that change at any time during the year. 

I would like this year for me to be different, this year my motivation is not the new year, it is my birthday. I tend not to do things because in my mind I am just like "oh I am still young I can do that when I am older I don't need to do that now, why bother" or something to that extent. I am turning 20 in less than 20 days, and I am in no way saying that is old at all, I know I am still young but something inside me is just saying this is the year changes will happen and I am motivated in many different aspects of my life. I also believe that some of the motivation is because I have now started University and it is setting in that in a few years I can have a career and will probably be moving therefore my life needs to be on a good track for that to happen.  

All that being said my new years/birthday resolutions for 2015 are
  1. Healthy Lunch Snack: When I am rucking out the door to leave for school, unhealthy snack options are always the fastest to grab and go, this year I want to set aside time before I go to bed in order for it to be ready the next day for me to take instead.
  2. Sign Language: I would like to learn a little bit of sign language, so my goal for this year is to learn 1 sign a day. 
  3. School Work Organization: I always start school of super organized and as time goes by it backfires big time, therefore I would really like to focus on organization. 
  4. Blog: I really really want to keep up with blogging, I know last year I got overwhelmed with school, work, hockey and blogging, and had to put this on hold for a while therefore this year as of right now I have planned to do 2 posts a week and I will only do DIY's, Nails and Fashion posts every other week, the rest of the posts will be random, of what ever anybody requests. 
Leave a comment, or tweet me your new year's resolutions or any posts you would like to see this year.

xox K.