Monday, January 26, 2015

My 20th Birthday

Hey guys I know I know I keep coming back and then disappearing but hopefully I will be back for good this time. I already have a post ready for Friday and on planned and in progress for Monday. However if you would like to keep up with when I post follow me on, you can also tweet me an d even give me suggestions on what kind of posts you would like me to do. 

My 20th birthday was last Wednesday and even though I did not really celebrate or go out or really do anything I had lots of fun with my family. 

This birthday however was different for me because I am no longer a teenager, even though I obviously still feel the same. When I think about my age it just makes me think of how time goes by so fast and how there are so many things in life that I want to do.

Therefore I putting myself into gear to blog way more even when I am stressed with school and am super busy and don't really have much time I want to put up a blog anyways even if it i just me randomly talking or answer questions about things people ask me etc. 

My next post will be a DIY to help me get more organized and help me keep on track blogging. 

K. xox

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