Friday, April 17, 2015

20 Questions

Hey guys, I wanted to have a DIY done for this week but since I am in exams unfortunately I just did not have time, and seeing that next week is supposed to be even busier I will only have the DIY done in two weeks. :( However next week I will have a nail post for you. 

Here are 20 questions to let you know a little bit more about me. 

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
    I can not leave the house without a hair elastic, the majority of the time my hair is in a ponytail because I don't want to actually do my hair or have time, but I also get really annoyed with it when it is down and it is in my face. Therefore even if I do actually do my hair and leave it down at some point during the day I will want to put it back in a ponytail. 

2. Favourite brand of makeup? 

    I really don't wear that much makeup, I only wear eyeliner and mascara and that is not very often, so I wouldn't say I have a favourite makeup brand, even the type of mascara I get always changes. 

3. Favourite flowers?

    My favourite flowers are probably lilies, orchids and daffodils.

4. Favourite clothing store?

    The majority of my clothing is from Garage, but I do like H & M also. 

5. Favourite Perfume?

    I like using the body spray from bath and body works, and once again I get many different ones, but I do like Country Chic a lot. 

6. Heels or flats?

    Definitely heels, the higher the better. 

7. Do you have good grades?


8. Favourite colours?

    I really like purple and always have as well as green, but lately I have really been liking orange. 

9. Do you like energy drinks?

    No, not at all. 

10. Do you drink juice?

      Yes, mostly orange juice but I do prefer water... except in the morning when I drink orange juice. 

11. Do you like swimming?

    Yes I love swimming. 

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?


13. Whats your favourite moisturizer? 

    I don't have a favourite but I do like ones that have aloe in them. 

14. Do you want to get married later in life?


15. Do you get mad easily?

     Not usually. 

16. Are you into ghost hunting?


17. Any phobias?

    I am terrified of spiders. 

18. Do you bite your nails?


19. Have you ever had a near death experience?


20. Do you drink coffee?

    No, except maybe like once a year when I have iced coffee. 

That is all the questions for today, if you have any questions you want me to answer leave a comment, tweet me, etc. and I will answer it in my next post like this. 

K. xox

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