Saturday, May 23, 2015

Almost Summer Break

Hello, Hello, Hello 

School is almost out! Again! 

I finished up the winter semester at the end of April however I only had a two day break because then I started school again. I decided to take a summer course,it was only a month or so long and all my friends are still in school until the end of May so I figured why not. 

I now only have two weeks left and am currently starting to study for my final, as well as trying to find a job, trying to make plans with a bunch of my friends that are leaving at the end of the summer for University, and planning out blog posts. Lets just say I am a LITTLE stressed. But no worries I planned out my posts today and school will be over soon enough. 

Starting June 1st I have planned to post twice a week. Monday and Friday. Monday can be any type of post but Friday will be ... DIY's!!! I am really excited and there might even be a possibility that I include videos for my DIY's but... I am not one hundred percent sure yet. This is my plan for posting this summer however slight changes may occur, because let's be real sometimes life happens and nothing you just have to deal with it however, with that being said I am going to do as much as possible to stick to Monday, Friday posting. 

Even though I have planned most of my posts, let me know if these is anything you guys would like to see.

K. xox

Sunday, May 3, 2015

DIY - Friendship Bracelets

Hey guys today I am going to explain how I made these two bracelets. 

You will need: 
- Scissors
- Tape
- Embroidery thread
- Pliers
- Chain/Link Bracelet
- Clasp (If your chain did not already have one)
- Clear nail polish (optional)

If you have chains that already have a clasp on them, you are one step ahead, skip to the next paragraph, if not this is what you need to do. Take the end of the chain and using pliers, open up the last link, slip the clasp onto the chain, then close the link back up using the pliers again. Make sure the clasp can clip on to the links of the chain, if the chain is to big, you may have to find another link that is smaller to attach to the other end.

 Choose 3 colours of embroidery thread, make the stands a little bit longer than what would go around your wrist. Then know them all together and make a knot at the top. Tape it to a table, or any hard surface and then braid it. Braid as much as you can then tie a knot. 

Once this has been done, remove the tape. Take the braid an weave it in and out of the chain, for the one I am showing you in these pictures I went through every other link, however the blue, white and yellow one in the very first picture is through every link. You can choose to do it which ever way you would like.   

Continue this until the end of the chain. 

Once complete undo one of the knots in the braid and pull one of the colours back though the last link to the other side of the chain. 


Then tie a know around the link with all the pieces, I usually tie three knots, just to make sure it will stay. . 

Repeat this at the other end as well.
Also if you want even more security that the knots will not come undone, then take some clear nail polish and apply it to the knots. 

There you have it, a new, not so typical friendship bracelet. 

If you make these bracelets, tweet or tag me in a photo, I would love to see them. 

K. xox 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fun Spring Nails

Hey guys, this is what my nails look like this week. 

I wanted something that was bright and fun since it is spring and the weather is getting warmer. 

The colours and polish I used were 

1. Wet n Wild Wild Shine Dreamy Poppy #429D
2. Wet n Wild Wild Shine Kaleidoscope #E71525
3. L.A. Colors Art Deco in White (I couldn't find a name or number)

I first painted my nails all pink, and it took two coats, because lets be honest it is not the greatest quality, however I like getting the cheaper nail polish because more expensive one chip just as fast and for the amount of use I get out of each bottle before it get chunky or goes bad it is not worth spending 7-10$ on it. 

Once I had done two pink coats and let them dry completely, I took the white and drew three horizontal lines on my pinky finger and two on my index finger. It was very easy to do these lines because of the types of brush, however if you do not have one like this it can be done with a toothpick or just extremely carefully with a normal brush. 

Then I took the sparkly one and painted my entire middle finger with it. This also took about three coats, just to get the amount of sparkles I wanted, you can do more or less, which ever you like. I also  made one line on each of my pinky and index fingers. As you may be able to tell from the picture I did a thick line on my pinky, and more coats for more sparkles. My index finger however the line is much smaller and was a little bit difficult to do with a normal wide brush therefore it is not as sparkly. 

Tweet me pictures of your spring nails, I would love to see them. 

K. xox

Friday, April 17, 2015

20 Questions

Hey guys, I wanted to have a DIY done for this week but since I am in exams unfortunately I just did not have time, and seeing that next week is supposed to be even busier I will only have the DIY done in two weeks. :( However next week I will have a nail post for you. 

Here are 20 questions to let you know a little bit more about me. 

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
    I can not leave the house without a hair elastic, the majority of the time my hair is in a ponytail because I don't want to actually do my hair or have time, but I also get really annoyed with it when it is down and it is in my face. Therefore even if I do actually do my hair and leave it down at some point during the day I will want to put it back in a ponytail. 

2. Favourite brand of makeup? 

    I really don't wear that much makeup, I only wear eyeliner and mascara and that is not very often, so I wouldn't say I have a favourite makeup brand, even the type of mascara I get always changes. 

3. Favourite flowers?

    My favourite flowers are probably lilies, orchids and daffodils.

4. Favourite clothing store?

    The majority of my clothing is from Garage, but I do like H & M also. 

5. Favourite Perfume?

    I like using the body spray from bath and body works, and once again I get many different ones, but I do like Country Chic a lot. 

6. Heels or flats?

    Definitely heels, the higher the better. 

7. Do you have good grades?


8. Favourite colours?

    I really like purple and always have as well as green, but lately I have really been liking orange. 

9. Do you like energy drinks?

    No, not at all. 

10. Do you drink juice?

      Yes, mostly orange juice but I do prefer water... except in the morning when I drink orange juice. 

11. Do you like swimming?

    Yes I love swimming. 

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?


13. Whats your favourite moisturizer? 

    I don't have a favourite but I do like ones that have aloe in them. 

14. Do you want to get married later in life?


15. Do you get mad easily?

     Not usually. 

16. Are you into ghost hunting?


17. Any phobias?

    I am terrified of spiders. 

18. Do you bite your nails?


19. Have you ever had a near death experience?


20. Do you drink coffee?

    No, except maybe like once a year when I have iced coffee. 

That is all the questions for today, if you have any questions you want me to answer leave a comment, tweet me, etc. and I will answer it in my next post like this. 

K. xox

Friday, April 10, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain Boots

A few weeks ago I was searching for a new pair of rain boots. It is too warm here to still be wearing snow boots, however since the snow was still melting and it is now spring therefore rain season shoes would not cut it so, I figured a new pair of rain boots would be a good investment. 

I thought I wanted boots that were red and I was leaning towards ones that were knee highs however I saw these online and I really liked them but I was planning on getting them in red. I went to the store Globo, you can also get them at Spring (it is the same company) however when I bought them they were on sale at Globo and not Spring. Anyways I had planned on going to try them on and see if I liked the red colour and if they were comfortable but unfortunately they did not have red. They only had black, grey, beige and periwinkle. I was a little disappointed and thought about ordering them online, but I did not want to chance the shade of red and was not 100% and then returning them could be a hassle so I decided on the black, it goes with everything and I liked them also. I am super happy with my purchase, they are very comfortable and I like them much better than knee high boots. 
I got them for about $30 plus tax, which in my opinion is a good deal for rain boots. However the original price is $39.99.

If anyone is in interested click here.

K. xox 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back ... Again ...

Hey guys, long time no talk… write I guess would actually be the correct term. 

I am back once again, for the nth amount of times. However I am making a deal with myself that if I do not end up sticking with this and being consistent, i.e. not taking a huge break again. I am not saying I won’t miss posting sometimes, because sometimes life just happens and there is nothing you can do about it but I am going to try and be as consistent as possible and am going to post at least once a week. I am hoping the majority of the time I will be able to post twice or more but as of right now, especially with my exams coming up I am committing to at least once. If I end up taking a huge break and don’t post for a while again I have decided that I should probably stop blogging. So here is to continuing to blog and not taking a big break again. 

K xox 

Friday, January 30, 2015

DIY- Calendar

This a DIY I wanted to make to help me stay on track with my goals this year, considering I have already started slacking and am trying to get my self back on track. 

I know this DIY has been seen and done many times before and I am in no way saying that this was my idea, but I figured since I was making it anyways I may as well show you how I did it. 

 What I used:
- Picture frame (Dollar Store - $3)
- Paint chips of various colours
- White paper/card stock
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Glue or Tape
- Pencil
- Paper cutter
- Dry Erase Marker

First I disassembled the picture frame and took out the paper with the "fake pictures" on it. I still used this paper as the background however I took two pieces of white card stock (you can also use printer paper) and cut it so it would cover the photos using the paper cutter so that it made a straight cut and because it is much easier and faster.  

Then I took the two pieces of card stock that I cut and taped it to the original picture paper. I was originally going to glue it but I decided using tape was faster and easier and since it is going to be in the frame I figured it did not matter that much if the corners were not stuck down well etc. 

Once that was done I took all seven paint chip stripes that I had, one for each day of the week and measured them to cut. PS. I know the picture only has six colours but I also had a pink one. The width that I cut them was 4cm each. I cut of the side that had the writing with the name of the colour and that information off. I chose all different colours and decided to put them in rainbow order with pink at the end however you can make it any way you want, a different colour order, all the same colour etc. 

I then measured out where each one would be placed and make it in pencil so that it was easier to place them when I taped them and it would be faster and more efficient. 

I then secured them with scotch tape, I was also going to glue them but changed to tape for this step as well. I also placed them so the lightest colour was at the top but that was a personal preference as well and you could also do the opposite. 

Once I had taped them all to the paper/card stock I put it in the fame, did the frame back up and then took my dry erase marker and wrote the month and the days and numbers. 

K. xox 

Send me pictures if you make it too