Friday, January 30, 2015

DIY- Calendar

This a DIY I wanted to make to help me stay on track with my goals this year, considering I have already started slacking and am trying to get my self back on track. 

I know this DIY has been seen and done many times before and I am in no way saying that this was my idea, but I figured since I was making it anyways I may as well show you how I did it. 

 What I used:
- Picture frame (Dollar Store - $3)
- Paint chips of various colours
- White paper/card stock
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Glue or Tape
- Pencil
- Paper cutter
- Dry Erase Marker

First I disassembled the picture frame and took out the paper with the "fake pictures" on it. I still used this paper as the background however I took two pieces of white card stock (you can also use printer paper) and cut it so it would cover the photos using the paper cutter so that it made a straight cut and because it is much easier and faster.  

Then I took the two pieces of card stock that I cut and taped it to the original picture paper. I was originally going to glue it but I decided using tape was faster and easier and since it is going to be in the frame I figured it did not matter that much if the corners were not stuck down well etc. 

Once that was done I took all seven paint chip stripes that I had, one for each day of the week and measured them to cut. PS. I know the picture only has six colours but I also had a pink one. The width that I cut them was 4cm each. I cut of the side that had the writing with the name of the colour and that information off. I chose all different colours and decided to put them in rainbow order with pink at the end however you can make it any way you want, a different colour order, all the same colour etc. 

I then measured out where each one would be placed and make it in pencil so that it was easier to place them when I taped them and it would be faster and more efficient. 

I then secured them with scotch tape, I was also going to glue them but changed to tape for this step as well. I also placed them so the lightest colour was at the top but that was a personal preference as well and you could also do the opposite. 

Once I had taped them all to the paper/card stock I put it in the fame, did the frame back up and then took my dry erase marker and wrote the month and the days and numbers. 

K. xox 

Send me pictures if you make it too

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