Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of University

First Day of University
Yesterday was my first day of University. Nervous, anxious, excited etc. are words that usually
describe people starting at a new school especially University. Surprisingly, I felt none of these. I was not particularly excited to start because starting school means the end of summer and the start of tons of work, midterms and finals (ahhhh!!!) i.e.: nothing to be excited about.
 I was not nervous either despite the fact that I didn't really know anybody in the same program as me or even at the same school, because I went the weekend before and found where all my classes were therefore I would not get super lost and then be anxious and possibly miss my class.
My class sizes did not surprise me at all even though they are much much much bigger than I was used to and I am also pretty sure that the classes will lose a few people in the next couple weeks.
If you have any questions for me feel free to comment or tweet me at
K. xox

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