Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

New Year = Time for change and for new resolutions or that is what many people think. 

Every year I make new resolutions, knowing that I will probably forget about them or just give up and not accomplish them. I know it is kind of cliché to say that this year will be different and that this year will be the year I stick to them and actually accomplish them. I say that every year, so why will this year be any different? 

Many people also say that you do not need a new year to change and if you really wanted to change you would make that change at any time during the year. 

I would like this year for me to be different, this year my motivation is not the new year, it is my birthday. I tend not to do things because in my mind I am just like "oh I am still young I can do that when I am older I don't need to do that now, why bother" or something to that extent. I am turning 20 in less than 20 days, and I am in no way saying that is old at all, I know I am still young but something inside me is just saying this is the year changes will happen and I am motivated in many different aspects of my life. I also believe that some of the motivation is because I have now started University and it is setting in that in a few years I can have a career and will probably be moving therefore my life needs to be on a good track for that to happen.  

All that being said my new years/birthday resolutions for 2015 are
  1. Healthy Lunch Snack: When I am rucking out the door to leave for school, unhealthy snack options are always the fastest to grab and go, this year I want to set aside time before I go to bed in order for it to be ready the next day for me to take instead.
  2. Sign Language: I would like to learn a little bit of sign language, so my goal for this year is to learn 1 sign a day. 
  3. School Work Organization: I always start school of super organized and as time goes by it backfires big time, therefore I would really like to focus on organization. 
  4. Blog: I really really want to keep up with blogging, I know last year I got overwhelmed with school, work, hockey and blogging, and had to put this on hold for a while therefore this year as of right now I have planned to do 2 posts a week and I will only do DIY's, Nails and Fashion posts every other week, the rest of the posts will be random, of what ever anybody requests. 
Leave a comment, or tweet me your new year's resolutions or any posts you would like to see this year.

xox K.

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