Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life Decisions

Hey guys, today I just wanted to talk (well I guess write) to you today.
In the past couple weeks I have been trying to make a decision about what I would like to pursue in school this coming fall in University. It has been a really tough decision for me to make because I had been accepted into two different programs at two different schools. Therefore, it is not just choosing one school over another, or one program over another it is both at the same time. It was also difficult because the two programs are so different (psychology and business management).
Business Management is a good choice because there are many careers that can be pursued and there are many different industries and companies that I could potentially work for after.
Psychology is a subject and a program that there are not very many career options to pursue afterwards and I would need to continue my education once finished the initial program, which is something that I am not sure is something I would like to do. I like both subjects however, psychology is my preferred one, but my worry was the opportunities afterwards.
I have finally come to a decision and it is to pursue psychology because it is my preferred subject and even if it requires me to have less opportunities, a narrower range of jobs or go back to school afterwards I would rather study something now that I prefer than not liking what I am studying. I chose what I think is right for me right now and I am content with my decision. Who knows once I finish I may realize that I should have chosen Business management and may potentially go back to school in that however I will look back and know that at this moment I made the right decision because I followed my heart and did what I wanted now rather that trying to figure out what I might want later, because there is no way I can tell what I will want for sure later in life.
K. xox

Monday, May 19, 2014

Manicure Monday

At home French manicure.
For this you will need: Base coat, clear nail polish, white nail polish, scotch tape, nail polish remover, cotton pads and q-tips.


1. Remove all old nail polish with cotton pads and nail polish remover.

2. Paint nails with a base coat. Let dry.

3. Paint nails with a clear nail polish or a clear polish that has a pink tint to it. Let dry.

4. Place tape on each nail so that you can make a straight or slightly curved line as close to end of your nail as you would like. Depending on how wide you would like the white tip to be.

5. Paint the tip white. Let dry.

6. Remove tape.

7. Paint a clear coat to help keep the manicure longer.

Optional: Add a rhinestone like I did on the tip to add more detail.

K xox

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bucket List

My Bucket List
I have many things that I want to do throughout my life and I am not going to share all of them today because it is a very long list however these are the ones that I want to complete within the next five years or am already in the process of completing.
1. Donate my Hair
2. Participate in a Colour me Rad Run
3. Get my Bachelors degree
4. Move out of the area I am living now (Like far away)
5. Get my License (No I don't have it yet... I know... I know)
6. Go on a Humanitarian Trip
7. Learn Sign Language
8. Go Zip Lining
9. Go on a Road Trip with Friends
10. Ride a Sea Doo
These are things I want to do let  me know what is on your bucket list!
leave a comment below
K xox 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DIY- Scrunchie


What you need:
- Scissors
- Flat elastic
- Fabric (I used an old shirt)
- Ruler
- Needle and thread or sewing machine
1. Measure out a piece of fabric about 40cm by 10cm
2. Cut a piece of elastic the size that you like (I usually make mine slightly bigger than my wrist or what I think will hold my ponytail)
3. Fold the fabric in half long ways , make sure that you are looking at the side you want on the inside.
4. Sew the long edge of the fabric with a sewing machine or by hand(the pink on I did with a sewing
machine the rainbow one I did by hand)
5. Turn the fabric right way out
6. Thread the elastic through the fabric (I suggest using a safety pint o lead it through)
7. Sew both ends of the elastic together.
8. Tuck one end of the fabric into the other, then sew around it to finish it off.
K xox

Monday, May 5, 2014

Manicure Monday

Animal Print Nails

What you need:

- Base colour nail polish of your choice

-Black nail polish (or any colour you prefer)

-  Konad Nail stamping kit

- Plate M57 from series 1

1. Paint nails you base colour. Let dry.
2. Take the plate and paint the animal print section black.
3. Take the scraper and scrape over top of the design to remove all excess paint.
4. Take the rubber stamper and place down on top of plate to transfer the design.
5. Stamp the design onto one of your nails.
6. Use nail polish remover to remove the left over nail polish from the plate.
7. Repeat step 2-6 for each nail.
8. Apply a clear coat for it to last longer.

K xox

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fashion Friday

Boot Tip
Are you tired of your boots always being bent?
Wish they stayed like this?
Here is my tip and trick, take a pool noodle
(Mine was 2$ from the dollar store and I only used half for one pair of boots)
and cut it just shorter than the height of your boot.
Then place it inside too keep them standing up straight.

K xox