Monday, May 19, 2014

Manicure Monday

At home French manicure.
For this you will need: Base coat, clear nail polish, white nail polish, scotch tape, nail polish remover, cotton pads and q-tips.


1. Remove all old nail polish with cotton pads and nail polish remover.

2. Paint nails with a base coat. Let dry.

3. Paint nails with a clear nail polish or a clear polish that has a pink tint to it. Let dry.

4. Place tape on each nail so that you can make a straight or slightly curved line as close to end of your nail as you would like. Depending on how wide you would like the white tip to be.

5. Paint the tip white. Let dry.

6. Remove tape.

7. Paint a clear coat to help keep the manicure longer.

Optional: Add a rhinestone like I did on the tip to add more detail.

K xox

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