Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bucket List

My Bucket List
I have many things that I want to do throughout my life and I am not going to share all of them today because it is a very long list however these are the ones that I want to complete within the next five years or am already in the process of completing.
1. Donate my Hair
2. Participate in a Colour me Rad Run
3. Get my Bachelors degree
4. Move out of the area I am living now (Like far away)
5. Get my License (No I don't have it yet... I know... I know)
6. Go on a Humanitarian Trip
7. Learn Sign Language
8. Go Zip Lining
9. Go on a Road Trip with Friends
10. Ride a Sea Doo
These are things I want to do let  me know what is on your bucket list!
leave a comment below
K xox 

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