Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life Decisions

Hey guys, today I just wanted to talk (well I guess write) to you today.
In the past couple weeks I have been trying to make a decision about what I would like to pursue in school this coming fall in University. It has been a really tough decision for me to make because I had been accepted into two different programs at two different schools. Therefore, it is not just choosing one school over another, or one program over another it is both at the same time. It was also difficult because the two programs are so different (psychology and business management).
Business Management is a good choice because there are many careers that can be pursued and there are many different industries and companies that I could potentially work for after.
Psychology is a subject and a program that there are not very many career options to pursue afterwards and I would need to continue my education once finished the initial program, which is something that I am not sure is something I would like to do. I like both subjects however, psychology is my preferred one, but my worry was the opportunities afterwards.
I have finally come to a decision and it is to pursue psychology because it is my preferred subject and even if it requires me to have less opportunities, a narrower range of jobs or go back to school afterwards I would rather study something now that I prefer than not liking what I am studying. I chose what I think is right for me right now and I am content with my decision. Who knows once I finish I may realize that I should have chosen Business management and may potentially go back to school in that however I will look back and know that at this moment I made the right decision because I followed my heart and did what I wanted now rather that trying to figure out what I might want later, because there is no way I can tell what I will want for sure later in life.
K. xox

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